In a bizarre twist of events, baseball sensation Shohei Ohtani recently expressed sheer disbelief upon learning the staggering value of his new $700 million contract. The reason? Allegedly, his interpreter turned out to be a numerical novice, leaving Ohtani in the dark about the mind-boggling figure.
Ohtani, who had initially appeared calm and collected during the contract signing, was reportedly under the impression that he had signed up for a modest deal, not realizing that he had just become the highest-paid player in the history of professional baseball.
In an exclusive interview, Ohtani revealed, "I was thinking, 'This is a nice contract, maybe enough for a decent sushi dinner.' But then my buddy was like, 'Dude, you just signed for $700 million!' I was like, 'What? No way!' I had no idea it was worth that much."
The blame, Ohtani says, falls squarely on his interpreter, who he now suspects may have been more interested in perfecting their fastball than mastering the art of translating numbers.
"When we were going over the details, my interpreter was just nodding and smiling. Little did I know, they were nodding and smiling their way through the entire math section of interpreter school," Ohtani quipped, shaking his head. "I mean, I knew my fastball was hard to catch, but who knew numbers could be even trickier?"
Rumors are swirling that Ohtani's interpreter may have taken a creative approach to number translation, replacing seven hundred million with seven hundred yen in their explanations. Critics argue that this could explain Ohtani's initial lack of reaction to the astronomical figure.
"I always thought it was strange that he didn't pop a bottle of champagne or at least break into a celebratory home run trot right then and there," remarked one sports commentator. "Now it all makes sense – he was probably wondering how he'd afford that celebratory sushi dinner."
As Ohtani navigates this unintentional financial windfall, the baseball world is left to ponder whether this interpreter debacle will become a cautionary tale for future multimillion-dollar signings. One thing is for certain – the next interpreter seeking employment in professional sports may want to brush up on their math skills, just in case they find themselves translating a contract that's worth more than the entire GDP of a small country.